Friday, June 7, 2013

How big is your workspace?

I tend to let my work spread out and grow roots wherever I happen to be most comfortable working, so it's a constant struggle to keep the house tidy. My husband complains that I leave piles of stuff everywhere I go. 

Unfortunately, this bad habit has also rubbed off on my youngest daughter who is also a crafter. Between the two of us any given room can look like an explosion took place in [insert your favorite craft store here]. 

If I'm not beading, I'm reading and writing for grad school, which means piles of paper, books, magazines, highlighters and a laptop. When she's not making miniature clay figurines, she's sewing, painting, or drawing. Technically, she's supposed to craft in her room, but sometimes it just leaks out. 

My husband, on the other hand, is a neat freak, so you can just imagine the frustration and angst in our household when I don't reign in my mess. Contrary to what you may have heard, I am making an effort to be less...spread out. 

Last night my daughter told me a joke she'd heard. An overweight kid said to her, "I'm not fat. I'm just easy to see." Yeah...I'm not messy. I just like all my stuff to be visible. 

Anyway, I am trying to keep my beads and tools in check, and I've done that in two ways. First, I devoted a drawer to my beads and paraphernalia. Second, I use a beading tray as a mobile workspace. It slides conveniently under a dresser when I'm not beading. 

So I'm wondering how other people manage the mayhem. What does your workspace look like? How big is it? Is it a permanent space, or is it mobile? Post your comments below. Send photos to onebadbead@hotmaildotcom. 

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